Penguin Attack Drones and Other Flightless Birds

“Uh Lola” said someone in the darkness of the Alaskan morning, while someone else said softly “You aren’t interrupting my beauty sleep again, are you?”

“I’ve been thinking about our current lifestyle, and it might be prudent if one of us stopped doing what they usually did to do something else?”

-a light appears then a voice says “Are you actually prepositioning me on this fine Alaskan morning, or have I misunderstood your apparent intentions AGAIN?”

“You know something Lola. You are beginning to sound like me more and more, which makes me feel all ooky inside, you know?”

a flock of penguins gathered on the nearby road, waiting for the sun to rise, when someone replied,

“What should we be doing instead of what we are doing, might I so innocently ask?” asked Lola as she propped herself up on one elbow, while he replied,

“Well, there was the Podcast Business for one. You know how ideas like that one sometimes seem to get out of hand, with some of us wondering why we started doing something like that in the first place?”

Lola was winding up for her morning rant, while he continued with,

“It doesn’t really matter whose idea it was, seeing as how we knead to support each other’s ideas, no matter how crazy they are, right?”

-the penguins hesitated a bit, then the lead penguin pointed its fin-like appendage towards a nearby house and said

“Are you insinuating that the Podcast Idea, as you put it, was my idea?” said Lola now sitting on the edge of the bed, while her mate said “insinuating is such an insinuating word, but I’ll just sweep that under the old penguin rug for now, and continue with that line of thought, OK?”

-Just then, there was a tap, tap tapping sound heard on their front door!

“I wood have thought that the every day, devil may care Alaskan wood be able to reed the signs outside and fear for their lives by knocking on our door!” said Lola, as she gathered her wits, and her robe about her, and started off for the gun case in the hall!

“Wait half a mo, my Sweet!” said the fellow, purported to be her onetime lover “We’ll just send out the old Penguin Attack Drone, purchased by none other than yours truly, whoever he might be!”

reading from the back of the box containing the drone,

“Imagine owning your own Penguin Attack Drone? Swooping across the highways and byways of the Alaskan Steppe, seemingly without a sound, while imitating the movements of that now-classical flightless bird fro

-“Flightless birds don’t fly, do they?” interrupted the lovely brunette, with splashes of grey here and there!

“You see there, Lola. Getting a new Narrator Guy really jazzes up our lives, doesn’t it?”

-more tapping heard, getting more impatient as the blog dragged on!

“Gosh Lola. We could just open the door and see who the tapper is, or wood you rather just shoot first then ask questions later, like any other person of the American Ilk?”

-returning from the hall, then saying “Why are there bags of something labelled “Penguin Snacks for him and her” lounging in the gun case? I thought we agreed that you kneaded to keep those kinds of things in the kitchen cupboards?”

suddenly the tapping noises stopped!

“Gosh Lola. Just see how exciting our lives have become, just because one of us had suggested that things kneaded to get back to the way they were, instead of where they are, you know what I’m babbling about?”

sounds of telephone ringing, with Mr Confusion saying “Uh huh. Yes, I see your point. I’ll get right on it!”

“Now who was that, might I ask?” said Lola as she pointed the barrel of her 30/30 Winchester at the Penguin Drone, before adding “Whatever moves or doesn’t, flightless or not, is fair game, you know?”

“Why that was one of our Sponsors, demanding to know why we haven’t been on the air as yet! How in the world can he sell his Penguin Attack Drones, if no one can see, nor here them, being all flightless and all?”

Lola put down her rifle for a moment, then said “Do you ever, and I mean ever, listen to what comes out of your mouth, or am I just talking to myself on this fine Alaskan morning?”

“Look here Lola. Moose Bumps as large as, well, as large as Moose Bumps could be!”

“Today Deer Podcast Listeners, we have a special treet for him and her! Broadcasting live from our very own Love Nest, The Moose Skin Woman and Myself were just discussing various and sundry topics, when low and behold, the time for today’s show appeared on the horizon, just over where a line a flightless birds had gathered on our own front stoop!”

“Penguins, you say?” asked Lola, as she grabbed her rifle and moved towards the front door.

-” and with a flip of a switch, your very own Penguin Attack Drone is off and about, routing out any and all Alaskans, or Near-Alaskans, as our neighbor’s are sometimes referred to, while the rest of us lean back on our Laurel Trees and watch the spectacle before us!”

“Caller Number One, what do you have to add on this fine morning?”

“Hey Buddy. Someone just sent one of those flightless attack drones over my hovel, and the misses said it was a high-powered turn on for the likes of her!”

“You see there, fellow Alaskans, an extra plus has just appeared for owning one of these babies!!”

sounds of rifle fire heard outside, with Lola appearing once again saying,

“How anyone in his or her right Alaskan Nut wood buy one of those things is beyond me?” said, while holding her still smoking appendage, while adding “It was, however, good for me, let me tell you!”

“So buy your own Attack Drone today! Imported by the Penguin Attack Drone Company of Healy Alaska, imported from one of our many friendly dictator-like democracies in the Free world…..

Another Deafening Example of LTPE

Lola knew she’d be in for trouble today when she opened the door to the office of Dr Stone and was blinded by a strong light as a voice said “Didn’t I say knot to point that light over there?”

A voice that sounded like Dave, or somebody like him replied “Sorry about that Dr Stone. I guess, I was just a bit too over eager?”

As Lola’s sight adjusted a bit, she almost imagined small penguins floating in the room in front of her gaze, as Dr Stone said “I say New Ms Marjory, have you ever been infected with LTPE before?”

Dave, or somebody like him started to reach out towards Lola’s arm, when she said “One touch anywhere on this body and you’ll wish you were Somebody like him, instead of who you are!”

As the floating Penguins faded ever so gently away, Dr Stone ahemed a bit, then said “I suppose you are wondering what we are doing with all of this equipment…..or are you just interested in painting your nails and brushing your hair like you usually do?”

Lola chose her words wisely, so she still had an employer tomorrow, by saying “All right, I’ll bite. What is going on in here, and do I really care anyway?”

She gave her hair a quick swirl, as Dr Stone ahemed again before saying “We, that is Dave or somebody like him, and myself, were thinking that we should expand on our business by having our own Podcast!”

-Deafening silence followed as Dave, or somebody like him whispered, “Gosh Doc. This is almost as scary as the time that the Ghost of Penguin Past visited me on Christmas Eve!”

Lola was about to give his statement a well-deserved retort, or even a well-rehearsed “harrumph! when Dr Stone turned up the volume on the radio hearing,

“Today, dear listeners, I’ll be telling you about a recent rumor heard in these hear parts, about others in the same ilk as this Podcast, who will be throwing their voices into the Cosmic Ether, just like yours truly, trying to capture some of the lucrative Podcast Market!”

“Lucrative, my bunion” snarled Lola, as the Podcast continued with “A little Penguin whispered that in my left ear, while I-

“Did he just say a little penguin?” asked Lola, as Dr Stone hushed her, and turned the volume up just a tad more!

-shouting now, saying “NO! NO he Didn’t!”

Dave, or somebody like him then produced a board of such with any number of brass buttons, or election badges stuck onto the artificial grass stapled onto the surface while saying “I hope our buttons are as shiny as our hero, Dr Stone?”

We hear at the Shiny Brass Button Company of Lower Kenai are proud to present our latest collection of, well, shiny brass buttons! Just think of the looks of amazement that your friends will be giving you, when you punch these babies, when initiating your own Podcast, causing your friends to flap their fin-like appendages, like they were taking off at the local airfield!

“You see there, Dave, or somebody like you, we knead sponsors that reflect our business in the same way! What say you New Ms Marjory, woodn’t that be a feather in our cap?”

“What, might I ask, will I, and for that matter Dave, or somebody like him be doing while you are whistling like a Penguin, or dancing like a walrus?”

“Gosh Doc, the dancing like a walrus part is easy to understand, but did you know that Penguins could whistle?”

Dr Stone was about to reply, when he held his hand up as the Podcast continued with, with….

“What in the Bill Hillary is happening?” asked Lola in the deafening silence, as Dr Stone turned down the volumeā€‚a bit before saying “Sorry about that New Ms Marjory! I realize that someone suffering from LTPE is not exactly crazy about hearing a whistling Penguin, but we all have our own bears to cross, don’t we?”

“I’d like to thank the Penguin Whistlers of Lower Soldotna for that rendition of Alaska Flag, our State’s Song: Eight stars of gold on a field of blue, Alaska’s flag, may it mean to you!” rambled the Podcast Host, while-

“I’m getting ready to scream, so you’d better turn that volume up again, if you know what’s good for you!” ranted Lola, as Dave, or somebody like him along with Dr Stone moved towards the end of the blog, as Lola set her own volume on high, as she plugged in the amplifiers!

“Gosh Doc” yelled Dave, or somebody like him, “I hope I still have my hearing tomorrow, don’t you?” while Dr Stone just yelled back “I……..

“So fellow Podcasters, it’s time for us to do the dance of the walrus, while we silently hum, or whistle, if you prefer, the State Song of Alaska in the background……

-as we lull ourselves off into dreamland…..