A Contraceptive Microphone Solution

“Gosh Lola. You see there, I decided today to start off by saying “Gosh Lola” since the last time that I started a blog with something else, it got your ire up rather early in the day, witch is probably not that healthy for your blood pressure, witch is why I said “Gosh Lola” today!”

Lola heard someone babbling in the other room, but did she really want to interrupt him in mid-babble, or wood it be better to jump in, when a new round of malarkey was starting?

“Hey Buddy. I appreciate your babbling so early in the morning, but the Misses isn’t that happy with things starting this way!”

“Why have you started off the Podcast by taking Caller Number one, while you haven’t even given our listeners something to complain about?” asked his significant other, who assumed that the time to interrupt him was as good a time as any!

“Gosh Lola. Today, I’ve decided to take the Caller’s calls early in order to focus on the subject at hand later on in the Podcast, leafing Mr and Mrs John Q. Alaska, something to think about when the Podcast ends, with them being filled to the brim with unrequited Podcast Comments!”

As Lola was winding up for her early morning rant, Dr Stone, and Dave, or somebody like him were starting their own version of nonsense, somewhere in the darkly depths of Kenai Big!

“Watt might I ask are you doing with that cellphone?” asked Dr Stone, while Dave or somebody like him replied, “Gosh Doc. I wanted to be Caller Number 2 on today’s Podcast, seeing as how Caller Number 1 has beaten me to the paunch!”

I see that Caller Number 2 has just shown up on the Radar screen, but don’t fret, because sooner or later, you will have an opportunity of discussing today’s topic, which by the way hasn’t been presented as yet!”

Lola jumped in saying “Listen you. This is almost like the time that you lie there with that silly grin on your face, after we had, or would have had finished with our nightly business, but you said “Gosh Lola” or something like that “Isn’t it better to cut out the middleman and get to the final act in the beginning?”

“Well, it did give us more time to sip the Moosetinis and tell each other, “My word, or My jove. Let’s do that again sometime soon, OK?”

“It most certainly was knot OK, seeing as how you removed the foreplay, then the middle break in the action, when you tell me about something that didn’t have anything to do with what we were trying to accomplish, then moving on as it were to the final scene, with our without wearing the Moose Masks, that you seem so fond of!”

“Well, we could include the Moose Masks if that wood help to create the ambiance of the moment, just in reduced time, my Sweet?”

-then pushing button number 2 he said “Caller Number 2. We, that is the Moose skin woman and myself, have been discussing how to save time on everyday tasks, but you might have a suggestion, we haven’t tried as yet?”

Ahem– said Dave or somebody like him then he continued with “Well, I would suggest that you found a job closer to your place of living, then you could save time by knot having to negotiate the roads and the traffic, like you usually do?”

Lola leaned over and covered the microphone before saying “The hole point of leafing your better half for work is to gain a bit of space, thus allowing the oxygen to return to my brain, so I can deal with the utter whimsy again, when I return home again!”

Hey Buddy. This is Caller Number 1 hear. I wood appreciate it the next time, I call if you’d either end the conversation with me before you consider taking Caller Number 2, or at least tell that Moose Skin Woman to cover up the correct microphone, as it were!”

“Listen you. You could have had the decency to put on your Moose Earmuffs and attend to the kneads of your Misses, instead of listening to a personal and private conversation, that didn’t include you and your addle-headed way of being, anyway!”

Uh, this is Caller number 2 again, and I was wondering if Caller Number 1 had any suggestions concerning contraceptive microphone coverage for a fellow like me? I woodn’t want to get my future Misses in the incorrect way of thinking, if my hand just happened to slip and leaf her open to comments like the ones the Moose Skin Woman is privy to today?”

“You see that!” said Lola, as she wondered which succession of buttons wood end this particular blog once and for all, before adding “Some people out there do have serious suggestions as to figuring out which microphone to cover, and if the required Moose Masks are necessary to get where we should have been going the other night, when you suggested us finishing off our nightly escapades, as you referred to all it, at the start?”

“Look Lady” resumed Caller Number 1. “I’d go in for a contraceptive microphone solution, but only if you reveal the details of that purported night of passion, where it culminated with the get-go, somewhere before the fellow on the sidelines, adorned in his Moose Mask, fired that shot that was heard around the world?”

Lola was about to give it her best rant of the week, when he interrupted her by saying “Sorry about that My Sweet, but the blog lines have been drawn, as you know, which means that if we are to keep the whimsy inside of the perimeter, then we knead to finish it off before your Rant gets going once again!”

-“but we can try to use that fellow firing the shot, on or about the beginning of the end of our knight of passion, but only if you’ve gotten to where the two of us were heading together, with one or more of us doing the clapping, when the deed was indeed done!”

-with our Moose Masks on, that is…